
Thursday 9 June 2011

A Good Day

Well, the day started with me actually sitting down and facing up to something I needed to do. Not pleasant, but a necessary evil. I had to reply to my father's letter. So I composed my email carefully and then read it back to ensure that it could not be imterpreted as argumentative or confrontational. When I was happy, I checked it out with Kev, who agreed with me. And so I clicked 'send'. I haven't had a reply yet. They're probably organising the Contract with the 'Hitman' right now!!!

Then there was a knock at the door and my good friend was standing there. I'd completely forgotten she was coming, so it was a lovely surprise. We shared our news over coffee and it was really good to catch up.

This afternoon was my Drs appointment to have the Mirena removed. I was dreading this, but actually it wasn't too bad. Just not looking forward to what the next few months may hold.

Found a lovely little company this afternoon called which do amazing little wooden signs. This was exactly what I was looking for for the stable door, so I've ordered one!

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