
Friday 10 June 2011

OMG I've done it!

Well, that was a stange day. Group was quiet.......very quiet. Only to be expected as today is day of the Royal Cornwall Show.
 All going well until the scales decided to throw a MEGA wobbly towards the end and stop weighing!!!! AAARRRRRGGHHHHH!
Anyway, we limped through to the end of group and packed up. Yummy salad for lunch from The Crib Box in Liskeard and then home.

Lots of sleepless nights recently have given me the opportunity to think a lot......always dangerous! I've made a decision, and as long as Nick is ok with it, then I intend to action it today. Exciting stuff!
I spoke to my gorgeous friend this afternoon and put part of my idea into action. Then, as Nick walked through the door I hijacked him, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Suffice to say, the email has gone, and the rest of my life is in my hands. Watch this space...........

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