
Monday 11 July 2011

Neglected but not forgotten............

Well, have seriously neglected my blog over the last few weeks. Lots of changes having taken place in my life, I really must try harder to keep up with everything!

I have no idea why, but all of a sudden I seem to have developed ambition and a desire to do things I've not done before. Am finding it a tad scary tbh!

Amelia starts her riding lessons this week and I am toying with the idea of learning myself. In the day obviously when the children are at school so that I wouldn't have to broadcast it.......oh, bugger, I just did that!

Also looking for a new job this week. The ideas which are going through my head are quite diverse. What to do with the rest of my life?????

On top of all this excitement I'm thinking of doing an OU course which may again force a complete change of life's direction.

What to do, what to do...............

Friday 17 June 2011

We're off to see the Wizard........

Well I can officially start to look forward to a lovely weekend. Hayden has safely gone to Phil's complete with Father's Day card(s) and present for Sunday. Issy is in charge of the day here, and knows where to find her Daddy's cards and present. I am packed and Amelia has her 'stuff' ready too. I've checked the tickets 342 times and the train tickets and times probably double that....and yes, I am in control!

We are going at 10.15 in the morning on the train from Liskeard to Reading. All being well, my bro will be waiting at the other end to meet us. We are checking into the hotel and then going to Covent Garden for a couple of hours. I feel it will be a couple of hours in and out of shops as the weather forecast is ghastly, and not really the 'sitting outside watching the street entertainers' type of day, but we'll see. However, will be purely 'window shopping' as yet again, another fabulously non-productive day at work. Earned at whole, wait for it....£18.37this morning. Woohoooooo! So no birthday shopping for me :-(((((

Then we are off to a very nice looking Pizza/Pasta restaurant called Fire and Stone, before going to see the show at 7.30pm. Am really looking forward to it. We watched the TV show avidly, so it will be nice to see it all in action. Really looking forward to spending some quality time with Amelia too. Oh, and of course seeing my bro! x

Disgruntled of Dobwalls

Watching everyone waxing lyrical about their 'lovely', 'wonderful', 'perfect' fathers on Facebook, and changing their Profile pics to said 'lovely', 'wonderful', 'perfect' father's photos, it prompted me to change my profile picture to the most wonderful father I know, my lovely hubby. I feel so angry that I can't join in and tell everyone how wonderful my own father is. I don't deserve the parents I've got. Come to think of it, what DID I do to deserve the parents I've got?

Anyway, all that matters is that my children NEVER feel the way I feel.

Issy is in charge of the Father's Day proceedings on Sunday. we had a 'Serious Business Meeting' earlier and we hid Nick's card and pressie for Sunday and only she knows where it is. Of course, this has the potential to be really cute, or blow up spectacularly, as Amelia and I will be travelling back from London! Ah well, watch this space..................................

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Lady who Lunches

Having been out for breakfast today, I have been invited out for coffee in the morning with another friend! Gone are the days when I would say "sorry, I have housework to do" or other such crappy excuses, I'm going and I'm not going to give anything else a second thought.

Life is too short to neglect friends.

Falling out with myself

Well, what can I say? Not a great start to the week. I've felt so horrible I could have fallen out with myself! Why? Who knows. I certainly don't. Could it be the after effects of the removal of the Mirena, or could it just be the stupid stress I'm putting myself under regarding work. I don't know. What I do know is that I've had the headache from hell since Monday which just won't shift no matter what I take. Again, could that be stress?

Still finding it extremely frustrating that I emailed my resignation at 5pm on Friday and as at 8.20pm on Wednesday (i.e. now) I still haven't had so much as the courtesy of an acknowledgment. Part of me thinks I'll email just to voice my disgust at the lack of reply. The other part of me wants to wait to see how long it takes for me to get a reply. It just makes me realise that I totally made the right decision to leave this highly unprofessional company. What I will miss however is the friends and support network I've made. However, hopefully with the power of the internet, and the lifelines that are Social Networking sites, I think I will be able to maintain those friendships and stay in touch.

I went for coffee this morning with a very dear friend who had some very upsetting news when she woke up. Her friend, who was only very young, but was suffering with multiple brain tumours had died last night. We talked about her feelings that she felt she had been meant to know Zoe for a reason. I told her I truly believed that, which was why I couldn't listen to the words of the song, 'For Good' from Wicked as the words are very poignant, and totally describe my relationship with Nan.

Sunday 12 June 2011

My handywork for a rainy day

Busy Little Bees

Had a lovely morning sitting creating lovely bits and bobs with Issy and Amelia. Amelia sat with me and made herself a charm bracelet, which she is very proud of, and Issy, well Issy just made.......stuff!

I made a cute litte charm bracelet with the delicate little donkey charms I'd bought, and a paid of earrings to match. At least something good came out of this depressingly dark, horrible, rainy day.

Got Mango Chicken to look forward to for tea. Yummy!

Saturday 11 June 2011

Nearly There!

It was a rainy, cold day at the paddock day, with a bit of hail thrown in for good measure! But we worked through it, and the doors on on. Nick stayed late until it was finished, bless him! Just the roof to go on now and we're done. It's looks great, and I can't believe that we built it, just the two of us. I feel real pride when I stand back and look at it.

The think being out in the cold has taken its toll on Issy today. She was really flushed and glassy eyed before bed. So gave her C & C and carried her upstairs. (That's Calpol & Cuddles for anyone wondering!)

Also found out that I'd got my job today, which sounds almost too good to be true. Will not count chickens and will wait and see what happens.

It's good to Talk

Had the most amazing catch up last night with a fabulous friend that I haven't spoken to in ages. 1 hour 27 minutes later and I think we'd more or less put the world (and our lives) to rights! It's good to know that despite having no blood family network around me, apart from my lovely bro and sis in law, that I have friends out there who are there for me no matter how long it goes in between conversations.
It means such a lot.

Just before bed I also had a chat with said sis in law, which always proves to be amusing. She wanted to know what the important decision was that I'd tweeted about. When she'd rung earlier, Nick answered the phone and had thrown her completely. She said she'd thought it was a pirate! **drifts off into dreams of living with Johnny Depp/Captain Jack Sparrow**.

Anyway, back with a jolt to reality and on with the day. Off to the paddock today to make doors. Hope the rain holds off.

Friday 10 June 2011

OMG I've done it!

Well, that was a stange day. Group was quiet.......very quiet. Only to be expected as today is day of the Royal Cornwall Show.
 All going well until the scales decided to throw a MEGA wobbly towards the end and stop weighing!!!! AAARRRRRGGHHHHH!
Anyway, we limped through to the end of group and packed up. Yummy salad for lunch from The Crib Box in Liskeard and then home.

Lots of sleepless nights recently have given me the opportunity to think a lot......always dangerous! I've made a decision, and as long as Nick is ok with it, then I intend to action it today. Exciting stuff!
I spoke to my gorgeous friend this afternoon and put part of my idea into action. Then, as Nick walked through the door I hijacked him, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Suffice to say, the email has gone, and the rest of my life is in my hands. Watch this space...........


Off to my Slimming World group this morning in Looe. The sun is shining, which is a nice change. the kids have to come with me today as they have ANOTHER teacher training day! All ready though, with all their amusements to keep them going through group. Just wonder how many will be missing because of the Royal Cornwall Show? Also, I'm not weighing in for a loss today, I'm weighing in as a marker for what will hopefully be a good weight loss next week now the Mirena is gone!

Thursday 9 June 2011

Big Inspiration

Today there was a little girl called Alice in the news and all over Twitter who has terminal Cancer and maybe only has a few weeks to live. She had prepared a 'Bucket List', and one of the items on there was to trend on Twitter. With everyone's help, she managed this. Another one of her wishes was to meet Take That, and with a few strings pulled on Twitter again by some very important people, she will be able to cross this one off her list by the weekend too. It was a really humbling story to read, and put lots of things into perpective for me.  It made me want to hug my children really tightly and never let them go.

I decided that I would go back to writing a diary, purely for the therapy side of things, but would raise the bar a little by starting a blog. We'll see how it goes.

A Good Day

Well, the day started with me actually sitting down and facing up to something I needed to do. Not pleasant, but a necessary evil. I had to reply to my father's letter. So I composed my email carefully and then read it back to ensure that it could not be imterpreted as argumentative or confrontational. When I was happy, I checked it out with Kev, who agreed with me. And so I clicked 'send'. I haven't had a reply yet. They're probably organising the Contract with the 'Hitman' right now!!!

Then there was a knock at the door and my good friend was standing there. I'd completely forgotten she was coming, so it was a lovely surprise. We shared our news over coffee and it was really good to catch up.

This afternoon was my Drs appointment to have the Mirena removed. I was dreading this, but actually it wasn't too bad. Just not looking forward to what the next few months may hold.

Found a lovely little company this afternoon called which do amazing little wooden signs. This was exactly what I was looking for for the stable door, so I've ordered one!